Bach Flower Remedies (BFRs) were developed by Dr. Edward Bach, a British medical
doctor and homeopath, in the 1930s, who dedicated his life to discover 38 wild flower
remedies. They are widely and globally used as a therapeutic intervention, for their efficacy in regulating emotions, in the treatment of mental illnesses and, for personal empowerment.
The mind-body connection is now a scientifically proven fact. Moods or state of mind,
are primary causes of illness and hinder recovery of health and well-being. Bach Flower
Remedies, are solutions of brandy and water containing extreme dilutions of flower
material that gently restore the balance between mind and body. They use the body’s
own natural healing, by working on negative emotions such as fear, worry, hatred,
trauma, indecision, anxiety, depression, guilt, OCD, PTSD, etc., which interfere with the
equilibrium of the being as a whole.
The remedies are not in any way harmful or habit forming. They are benign in their
action and produce no unpleasant action or complications and can be used along with other medically prescribed treatments. They are easy to use, gentle and safe. Dr. Bach had developed the Bach Flower Remedies Therapy system, specifically as a Self-Help Healing Modality, for individuals to accomplish their own healing, as also of those they care about.
As a Bach Flower Registered Practitioner, Gauri offers one on one consultation, as well
as workshops, for anyone who wishes to learn the remedies. As a Level 1 Teacher, Gauri conducts the Level 1 Bach Centre Approved Course.The remedies are easy to learn, with no eligibility criteria, except a Will to Heal!