Gauri Row Kavi’s career spans over four decades and across a wide canvas of verticals. She began as a creative professional in media, exploring various domains in writing. However, what Gauri truly believes created the foundation for her current path, were the enriching years she spent as a Training / Learning and Organisation Development (L&OD) professional. Which motivated her to major, as well as get a PGDM, in psychology. Finally leading her home, to the expanse of holistic well being, offering Life Therapy through two different, yet complementary roles – as a Behavioural Health Sciences Professional (Psychologist & Therapist) and a Life & Mind Coach.
With an insatiable zest for life, she strongly believes that each individual needs to tap, explore and capitalise on strengths and the abundant potential lying within, to live life to the fullest.
An avid learner, she has, over the years, enhanced her understanding manifold in the field of psychology, while being internationally trained and certified in several kinds of therapies, beneficial in gaining mental and behavioural health.
Thus, she brings to the table her vast experience of several teachings; from western psychology to ancient eastern wisdom, a keen understanding of challenges faced in corporate culture, as well as by the man on the street; merging the learning seamlessly, to create a synergy of various therapeutic modalities for mental, emotional, behavioural and physical well-being.
Gauri, is the founder of Self Align, which offers therapy for mental health. Self Align has also been an Affiliated Training Center (ATC), of the Albert Ellis Institute (AEI) for several years. AEI has hereon globally discontinued its ATCs (from 2022). Self Align, is now an Accredited Training Center by the International Association of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (IAREBT).
A Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Associate Fellow & Supervisor – Training Faculty Level 2, in Rational Emotive and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), with the prestigious Albert Ellis Institute (NY), U.S.A., Gauri has also studied various therapies, from their parent institutes, namely – Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), with the Beck Institute of Cognitive Therapy and Research, Philadelphia, U.S.A.; Single Session Therapy /Thinking (SST) and Single Session Family Consultation (SSFC) from The Bouverie Centre, Melbourne, Australia, (personally supervised and mentored by its director Prof Jeff Young, PhD); Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) by Steven Hayes & Russ Harris, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) by Marsha Linehan, and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy by the EMDR Association, U.S.A. A certified Master Practitioner of Gestalt, she has learned Transactional Analysis (TA 101), basic level in Psychodrama with the Psychodrama Institute of Melbourne, Australia; and takes an eclectic approach to therapy, depending on her clients’ personalities and temperaments.
As a Behaviour Analyst and Career Counsellor, Gauri is trained, certified and licensed to use numerous well-known personality, ability, leadership, organisation development and Psychometric tools like MBTI®, FIRO-B®, 16 PF, Emotional Quotient (EQ-i 2.0®), TriMetrix® (Certified Professional Behaviour Analyst, Certified Professional Values Analyst, and Certified in Axiology), Belbin Team Roles® and many more.
Gauri is a credentialed Professional Certified Coach (PCC)™ from the International Coach Federation (ICF)™, U.S.A., and a certified Coach in Emotional Quotient (EQ-i 2.0®) from Mental-Health Systems Inc. (MHS), U.S.A.

She is also a Certified Hypnotherapist (CH) by the esteemed, National Guild of Hypnotists, U.S.A., the oldest and premier, global institute in Hypnosis; and a Clinical Hypnotherapist from the California Hypnosis Institute of India (CHII); a Past Life Regression Therapist, trained and certified by world-renowned Dr Brian Weiss, author of ‘Many Lives Many Masters’ and ‘Same Soul Many Bodies’. She has also been trained and certified as a Life Between Lives Therapist®, by the Michael Newton Institute® for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy® (LBL®), U.S.A., founded by Dr Michael Newton, author of many books like ‘Journey of Souls’ and ‘Destiny of Souls’.
Gauri is a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (BFRP), and a certified Level 1 Teacher with The Bach Centre, home of Dr. Edward Bach and the Bach Flower Remedy System (U.K.) and is also listed on their registrar of licensed practitioners and teachers.

Career Summary
Gauri has an International Diploma in Teaching & Training (City & Guild, U.K.) and has, over 20+ years, successfully conducted numerous need-based training workshops for organisations, educational institutions, NGOs, and the like, in life skills and leadership / management, to enhance human potential and skills, across industries like hospitality, finance, BPO, telecom and IT, in India and abroad.
As a psychologist, her comprehension of the human psyche, is further deepened by training professionals from the field of mental health, as well as different walks of life and cultures. As a facilitator, Gauri brings life experiences, rather than just text book knowledge, coupled with expertise in several therapeutic disciplines, in all her workshops. This unique blend, adds a distinctive flavour, making her individual and group sessions extremely insightful and powerful.
Through her varied expertise and several roles, as Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Hypno-Regression Therapist, Life – Mind – Happiness – EQ – and Relationship Coach, her mission is to empower people, ‘self align’ their mental, emotional and physical energies, towards a life-long, holistic state of well being.
Gauri offers Life Therapy through her signature self discovery, group workshop – Self Align to 'Heal Yourself'.
She offers therapy sessions to treat and heal a host of crucial, personal issues, affecting people. As well as coaching, to facilitate lifestyle changes and goals.
As a therapist, Gauri’s experience and expertise, extends to all kinds of disturbances related to mental health. Although, her forte lies in working with adults – individually, with couples as well as parents, on all issues and aspects related to their emotional wellbeing. Gauri brings with her, a unique combination of western psychology and Indic wisdom, to deftly straddle both worlds – psychology and alternative healing modalities – offering clients, a holistic experience towards bettering their mental, emotional, and physical health.
Based in Mumbai, Gauri is also a member of the American Psychological Association (APA); has a Yoga Alliance International Teacher’s Training certification, from The Yoga Institute, the oldest Yoga school in the world; is a Reiki Grand Master, Graphologist, and has studied many models of alternative healing modalities, like Astrology, Chakra and Crystal Healing as well.
As a Voice Over artist, she lends her voice in four languages for Corporate Audio Visuals, TVCs, E-Learning, IVRs etc. Her childhood passion for writing continues with penning couplets / poetry as a hobby, in English and Hindi-Urdu (Shairi).