You ARE Good ‘Enough’
In most cultures, a child is not considered to be anything more than blessing… there is no demarcation attached to it in terms of being ‘good’ or ‘bad’ as a human being.
How Free are You?
We would all like to believe that we live in a free society; feel liberated and be under the illusion that we live life the way we want to. But take a moment to ask yourself how fr
Why is Sharing Pain so Hard to do?
If you take a moment to reflect, all our joyous occasions are celebrated with much aplomb. Special days like births, weddings, anniversaries, graduation, promotions, etc., are even
Life is Good
Let’s say your best friend, someone you love, respect and depend on, your ‘go-to’ person, is in a space of complete hopelessness. This individual is experiencing
Mind Body Spirit
As we all strive to be physically fit, let me ask a simple question – does physical fitness lead to mental/ emotional fitness as well? Or is it the other way around? If you a
I’m Responsible for My Own Happiness
How many actions and decisions have you honestly taken responsibility for? Small or big, day-to-day or even the life-changing ones… how often and how many do you take sole ow
Mistakes are Proof That You’re Trying
Mistakes are the one thing we all dread making for the fear of failure and/or ridicule. And having made one, we immediately drown ourselves in shame, guilt and self-criticism as we
Spring Cleaning for Our Mental Closets
Where do we store your material possessions? A cupboard/almari safe, a cabinet maybe or even a chest? Some of these have shelves and drawers and other may not, but the fact is, thi
The Path to Healing – A rough road of Self Discovery
It’s something you need to do if you really want to evolve… one sure way of doing it is by forgiving yourself and others. The other way is becoming aware that perhaps f
A Season to cheer and…
With Christmas cheer in the air and the New Year’s around the corner, everyone seems to want to forget about stressful issues and simply make merry. Great idea! It does make me w